Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fun / Links

I wanted to share a few links.

Kevin Houston | Home

Kevin Houston is a mathematician at the University of Leeds. I had a copy of his book How to Think Like a Mathematician on my Kindle, only to find upon starting it that a number of the mathematical symbols in it were not displaying correctly on the device. Happily (?) I liked what I'd read enough to order a print copy of the book for myself (for my birthday: officially, I'm on a book diet with my girlfriend). His site goes beyond stumping for the book: among other things, he has a bunch of Youtube videos up ... I haven't had the chance to watch any of them. He seems like a very interesting fellow, & he appears to be about 15 years old (he's not quite that young!).

Purely for fun, here is

Famous Mathematicians Pictures

This appears to be a great place to shop if you are in the market for a Georg Cantor t-shirt. :^)

On a more pedagogical "note":

Paul's Online Math Notes

Paul Dawkins deserves some kind of prize for making all this material available.

Finally, there is

A First Course in Linear Algebra

Don't be fooled by the title of this page: it's really a list of free texts on a whole range of mathematical subjects. Some of them have gotten very favorable reviews at MAA, Amazon and elsewhere.

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