Friday, September 02, 2011

First Class

But first: my Mom passed away on Tuesday, August 30, two days before her 90th birthday.

One of my immediate thoughts was that there would be no more of the waffling over whether I was going to be able to hack Multivariable Calculus. No: I would do it, and do it well. I would do this because that is what she would have wanted me to do.

I'd been waffling, you see, partly because of her health -- which had been precarious for some time -- and partly because my summer review had gotten quite ... behind what I had anticipated. I didn't cover nearly the material I had hoped to cover.

So last night was the first class. I sat up front, determined.

The class is half high school students!

I still haven't figured out how to enter math in this interface, or I'd tell a bit about what we covered.

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